Monday, September 6, 2010


I love cereal. I could eat cereal for breakfast, lunch, snack, and dinner and have no complaints. Just like peanut butter and jelly, tomato and basil, the combination of the crunch of the flakes and the silkiness of the (soy)milk is yet another perfect marriage made in food heaven. A bonus is that we get to use spoons to eat cereal. In my opinion, spoons are highly underrated. They are much more efficient than forks or chopsticks. But, that is topic to be saved for another conversation...

Ever since Freshman year of college, I had been eating Special K cereal. It became a ritual. Red Berries, Cinnamon Pecans, Chocolate Delight, and Vanilla Almond were my best friends that I woke up to every morning. I even gave Special K a shout out in my Welcome post. But all that changed last week when I picked up my box of Special K and read the ingredients list on the side panel for the first time. 

Whole Grain Wheat, Soy Protein Isolate, Sugar, Salt, High Fructose Corn Syrup, Malt Flavor...

Being the health nut that I am, I avoid highly processed foods and chemically modified ingredients, such as high fructose corn syrup, at all costs. I just could not believe that high fructose corn syrup had been disguised in my daily breakfast for the past three years! I was in denial; Special K was supposed to be "healthy". Those four words stared back at me; I felt betrayed by the product that I once loved. 

So now I am searching for a new, delicious, and healthy cereal to satisfy my morning hungers. This time, I will take precaution to carefully read the ingredients list before purchase in order to prevent another heartbreak.

Any recommendations?

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