Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Buzz Kill

Four Loko – better known as “Blackout in a Can” or “Cocaine in a Can” – has been banned in several states, infuriating college students across the country.

One 23.5 oz can of this alcoholic energy drink, a product of Drink Four Brewing Company, contains up to 12% ABV – equivalent to four beers, the same amount of caffeine as a tall Starbucks coffee, and costs about only $2.50. No wonder it is the go-to drink for many sober, tired, and broke college students.

However, caffeine (stimulant) + alcohol (depressant) + mindless partying = disaster. Four Loko’s fruity flavors and caffeine’s ability to diminish the perception of being drunk make it very easy to chug large amounts of the drink without realizing how much alcohol is actually going into your body.

Just last month, Four Loko sent 23 Ramapo College of New Jersey students and nine Central Washington University students to the hospital.

So whose fault is it? Is it the students’ for their lack of intelligent decision making? Or is it Drink Four Brewing Company’s for simply operating a business. States seem to think that the company is to blame – Four Loko has already been banned in Utah, Michigan, Oklahoma, New York, and Washington. More states are also likely to jump on the bandwagon. In response, the company has announced that it will remove caffeine from its products going forward.

Just like I don’t believe McDonald’s shouldn’t be punished for child obesity,  I don’t think Drink Four Brewing Company should be held responsible for irresponsible college students. There might be no more Four Loko, but as long as there are still Red Bull and Vodka, reckless party-goers will still find a way to be sent to the hospital.

How about some alcohol safety education instead?

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